Changing lives, one rep a day.
Young adults, parents, coaches and mentors agree. Sevwins prepares young adult minds for college and life.
What people are saying...
"It has made me a better person. I feel smarter, stronger, and more connected.”
College Student-Athlete
"I've matured using Sevwins. Submitting my goals on Monday reminds me of my commitments and constantly motivates me."
College Student-Athlete
"It helps me reflect on my life and see if I am staying on track or losing focus. It's a good way to see where I have come from and where I am heading."
High School Student-Athlete
"Checking in daily just makes me feel good. It has made me a better person. I feel smarter, stronger, and more connected."
College Student-Athlete
"Sevwins made me a better person because I feel more motivated to do stuff during the day and complete my goals."
College Student-Athlete
"It gives me motivation to do things even when I don't want to do it. It helps me keep my mind busy and reflect on how I can improve."
College Student-Athlete
"The best part for me is the weekly reflection because if I didn’t complete something I would emphasize it the next week and make myself better."
College Student-Athlete
"It has helped me become more organized with a weekly plan. The daily interaction helps build mental skills so I can apply them later in life."
High School Student-Athlete
"Setting goals, assessing my mental skills and reflecting on my week has challenged me to really think about what I am doing to be a better me. It also reminds me to think about how I feel everyday."
High School Student-Athlete
"It reminds me at the beginning of each day how I am going to strive to be a better person overall."
College Student-Athlete
"I think I have been much more self-aware and I have been making better decisions that will lead to me reaching my goals. It is good to have something to shoot for, especially while we’re away from school"
College Student-Athlete
"Sevwins reminds me what I need to do to accomplish my goals. It helps me see the challenges I need to overcome."
High School Student-Athlete
"The daily commitments push me to concentrate on goals and work hard to accomplish them. The weekly reflections are also beneficial because I get to evaluate my successes and challenges. When I reflect on these, it helps me focus on what I need to do to get better."
College Student-Athlete
"If I am on top of my game and attacking with all I have, it reminds me to keep that same intensity throughout the day. If I am not doing as well as I would like, I know I can kick it up. Reflecting on my successes and what I need to do to get better is something that every person should do to be a better person."
College Student-Athlete
“Sevwins helps me to stay focused with consistency to accomplish my goals. Also, the goal to read everyday has become something I now enjoy and realize how I can transfer this effort to the field with focus and determination.”
High School Student-Athlete
"Your perspective changes on things that are considered challenging, or not enjoyable, and you conquer more things by learning how to lock in, separate, and talk effectively."
High School Student-Athlete
College Success eLearning Testimonials
“Only 3 days in and this is the best investment I’ve ever made.”
Parent of High School Student-Athlete
“It is a must for anyone who is hungry for knowledge. It will help them thrive at the college level and years beyond. It helps you in every aspect of life, sports, school, etc.”
High School Student-Athlete
“Everyone should take the time to do this course because it is worth it and you will be glad you did after you start utilizing the tools in your life and see the results in action.”
High School Student-Athlete
“I look at life in a new way and use the tools everyday to help me become a better all around person so I can thrive in college, later in my life, and so I can achieve all my goals.”
High School Student-Athlete
“My son really enjoyed the class. I was surprised with the coach and teacher he chose to mentor him. He chose a coach who was tough on him and a teacher he struggled in their class. I asked him why, he said they’d be the most likely to give him something substantial. I appreciate you doing this. It’s a great.”
Parent of High School Student-Athlete
“The variety of tools and knowledge that you get exposed to, and can absorb from Coach Moore and Coach Martin, are so impactful and allow you to see everything in a new perspective. Once you incorporate the tools into your life you can see just how much of a change you make for the better.”
High School Student-Athlete
“One of the biggest take-aways is giving. We can give to others and help elevate them which ultimately elevates everyone involved.”
High School Student-Athlete
“Your perspective changes on things that are considered challenging or not enjoyable and you conquer more things by learning how to lock, block, and talk effectively.”
High School Student-Athlete
“I’ve definitely learned a ton. I’ve learned a ton about the vulnerability aspect and how it is actually good to be vulnerable. I’ve learned about how it is okay to be uncomfortably comfortable.”
High School Student-Athlete
“I’m learning so much! I was telling my coach about it on the phone the other day. I was telling him about all the notes I took and how much the book has taught me.”
High School Student-Athlete
“I can already tell my confidence is going up just by the way I think of things and what order I do them. This has helped me rearrange my mind to see a more precise and clear view of life and what I’m trying to accomplish which increases my confidence.”
High School Student-Athlete
“It has helped me train better and more effectively. I can go above and beyond what is asked of me by having intent in everything I do. That’s where the true magic happens and you start to attack life’s challenging moments.”
High School Student-Athlete
“It has taught me questions to ask myself so I can be more efficient and get better at whatever it is I’m doing. Things like how will it make me better? What do I want from this? What is my intent? What worked and hasn’t worked?”
High School Student-Athlete
“I have become more accountable by making an action plan with an intent to conquer my goals and the task at hand. This course is worth every penny and you will gain so much valuable knowledge that you can use right now, in college, and as well as life after college so that you can thrive in life.”
High School Student-Athlete
“[my son] really enjoyed your class this morning. I was surprised with the coach and teacher he chose to critique him. He chose a coach who was tough on him and a teacher he struggled in their class. I asked him why, he said they’d be the most likely to give him something substantial. I appreciate you doing this. It’s great.”
Parent of High School Student-Athlete
“I am taking these lessons to use in my daily life starting with a plan for the week to set up my specific goals. I haven't done this before and learned how important it is especially in this pandemic. This helps me to stay focused with consistency to accomplish my goals.
High School Student-Athlete